
Monday to Friday from 09h00 to 12h00 and 14h00 to 17h00 05 55 60 09 99


In view of the new national re-confinement measures, the Community of Communes of Haut-Limousin en Marche ensures the continued operation of its services in accordance with the following arrangements (until at least 1 December) :

  • Reception of the public at the CCHLEM headquarters: the physical reception will be maintained at the usual times, users must wear a mask and hydroalcoholic gel will be available (you can reach the switchboard on 05 55 60 09 99).
  • Reception of the public in the other services of the CCHLEM: by compulsory telephone appointment, town planning service (05 55 76 43 41) - household waste service (05 55 76 43 44), youth service (05 55 60 60 75) - CCHLEM site of Cromac (05 55 76 83 99).
  • Early Childhood: In view of the importance in these difficult times of exchanges for the Nursery Assistants in their professional practices, but also the needs of socialization of children in these times of confinement, the Relais Assistantes Maternelles de la Communauté de Communes will continue to welcome professionals and children in separate groups. The size of each group is reduced to 20 and will not exceed 30. Adults present in the Maternity Care Relais must always wear masks and a register will be kept specifying the time of presence, name and telephone number of each professional and child present.

Chantelune's Multi-accueil remains open at the usual times and in compliance with the national protocol in force.

  • Youth: the leisure centres remain open and the extra-curricular activities are maintained, at the usual times, in compliance with the health protocol (masks compulsory for children aged 6 and over).
  • Reading network: closure of the various sites to the public, but maintenance of a "pick up/drive" service upon reservation at the times of presence of professionals at the various sites. Schedules and operation on https://mediatheques.hautlimousinenmarche.fr/ - further information on 05 55 60 69 33 or 05 55 60 60 28
  • Household waste collection: collection activities function normally for the taking in of waste (it is therefore important to maintain the exit of the bins the day before collection, as the tour times are not staggered). Collections of bulky items are also maintained throughout the duration of the containment. The waste collection centres in the area are also at your disposal at normal times in accordance with the SYDED protocol (https://www.syded87.org).
  • Tourism: maintenance of the activity only for professionals on the Pouyades site. Fishing activities are suspended.


The other services of CCHLEM will carry out their usual activities in compliance with the health rules already in place and following the evolution of the epidemic.